Retirement Announcement

With infinite gratitude we want to acknowledge the many giftsof Godly Play Trainer and mentor Barbara Sears as she moves into herretirement. Barbara began her work with Godly Play and Jerome Berryman inHouston in 1992, and officially became a trainer in 2000 working with ChristChurch in Covington, Louisiana, and Christ Episcopal School.

Jerome Berryman and Barbara Sears in Sewanee, 2015

Many recall her introduction of the “Psychic Sniff” into trainings, gathering everyone outside to wake up the body and cleanse the mind to be able to go back to the circle with renewed energy and focus – Barbara seemed to know how to incorporate play in just the right way at just the right time.

Godly Play Missioner, Ashley Bond, had this to say ofBarbara, “So much of my excitementfor and deep connection to the practice of Godly Play is due in part to the wayin which Barbara modeled for me so beautifully the art of Godly Play. She drewme in the way all good teachers do. To this day, she is the one I go to forguidance, support, clarity, wisdom and encouragement in my work as a Godly Playmentor. Godly Play is a gift and sharing it with others the way Barbara sharedit with me is life-giving.”

Barbara’s friend and colleague, Gayle Croxton, reflected, “Barbara has generously shared her loveof Godly Play and her deep and abiding respect for children in so many ways andfor so many years. It has been a real pleasure and a privilege to learn fromher and to work by her side. She teaches me something, without perhapsintending to do so, each time we work together. I am often struck by herability to be both strong and soft, especially when leading a training, butalso with children. She does not shy away from challenges and difficult issuesand somehow manages to address them both directly and gently. She is alsosomeone who never stops wondering, reflecting and learning which keeps her spiritand her practice fresh. What a joy it is to call her friend and mentor!  Ifeel very sad to consider sitting in a training circle without her. We willmiss her greatly!”

Barbara and herhusband of more than 40 years, Steve, plan to spend more time with theirchildren and grandchildren of which Barbara said, “The grandchildren will be mycircle for storytelling for the coming years, and what a joy that will bring.”

Barbara and Sharon Greeley at the 2000 Training of Trainers

Like a pebble tossed into a pond, one can only wonder aboutjust how many lives Barbara has touched in more than 30 years of work as a mentorbut we can picture the ripples of circles expanding even past her retirement.


Making Meaning in Exile


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