Book Study

Godly Play: A Way of Religious Education by Dr. Jerome Berryman

In celebration of the 30th year since the publication of “Godly Play: A Way of Religious Education” we invited you to read, reflect, and go deeper in your work with children through this study guide and scholar interviews for each chapter.

Purchase your copy of the book today!

Chapter 1: Playing and Reality

Study guide and interview with Dr. Holly Catterton Allen


Chapter 2: An Adult at Play

Study Guide and Interview with Dr. Andrew Sheldon


Chapter 3: Children at Play

Study guide and interview with Dr. Tanya Campen


Check out Dr. Campen’s book “Holy Work with Children

Chapter 4: The Spoken Lesson

Study guide and interview with Dr. Brendan Hyde


Chapter 5: The Unspoken Lesson

Study guide and interviews with Dr. Rebecca Nye and Dr. Henri Zonio

Chapter 6: The Imagination and Godly Play

Study guide and interviews with Dr. Karen Crozier and Dr. Julian Stern

Chapter 7: The Theology of Childhood

Study guide and interviews with Dr. Marcia Bunge and Dr. Martin Steinhäuser

Go deeper with Dr. Bunge’s book “Child Theology: Diverse Methods and Global Perspectives” and

Dr. Steinhäuser’s edited volume “Godly Play: European Perspectives on Practice and Research